Der Workshop ist hausintern, um Anmeldung über wird gebeten.
Description: Chronopoetical Rhythms
In his book, Dialectics of Duration, Gaston Bachelard poses rhythm as duration – what he calls a “system of instants”, or time within time. For Bachelard, life is constituted through rhythms that pass between being and nothingness, presence and absence, a “dialectics of duration” as he suggests, and that shows itself in repetitions, cycles, a system of instants that constitute temporal life. Following Bachelard, rhythm emerges as the making of patterns by which to inhabit and shape time, found also in the rhythms between work and repose, the routines and rituals we establish and participate in, and that help in synchronizing with a meaningful world.
Considering questions of time and rhythm, the workshop sets out to map existing rhythms found in our daily environments, and to consider how such rhythms define a meaningful world. This will include reflecting upon what it might mean to be “on time” or to “keep time” by way of our rhythmic patterns. We will explore ways of keeping time, as well as to conceive of creative time signatures: from personal time to social time, slow time to accelerated time, the time of progress to that of dreaming, a chronopoetical framework will be posed through which to percuss into place a range of rhythmic relations.