The Society for Artistic Research (SAR) hereby invites individual members and representatives from our member organisations to an Advanced RC User Webinar on Zoom*) Tuesday 19.03 – 10:00-12:00 CET.
In addition to our usual new user intro webinars, we are this time doing a more open session for advanced users of RC. We will not cover any topics discussed in the normal webinars. In this event, the RC Team – by Casper Schipper, Tero Heikkinen and Daniele Pozzi – provides an opportunity to deal with more advanced topics and uses of the exposition format. Examples include using CSS, layering, embedding external elements, generating exposition content and interactivity in SVG graphics. The specific topics discussed will depend on participant input: You will be able to provide these in the form when you enlist.
We expect that partakers have already created at least a few expositions and made them public, and this may be used as a selection criterion for participation!
Kindly register before 18:00 CET on Sunday March 17th.
We will send the participation link for participation on Monday March18th in the afternoon.
The RC is provided by SAR, and functions as a platform for the dissemination of peer-reviewed content and publications, for student’s presentation of work and the assessment of such work – as well as of self-published research outcomes.
The RC enables students, artists, and researchers to deviate from the standard format of academic presentations, journal articles and/or research repositories:
• Because images and sounds are not subordinate to, but fundamentally on a par with the text;
• Because of the opportunity provided to break out of the linear narrative structure;
• Because it facilities the option for a continuous (and collaborative) research activity from notation/documenting research processes and initial outcomes to fully elaborated publications.
The RC offers an online platform in which sound, images, video, and text can be combined in an integrated format for presentation, and in which the visual disposition and the focus on different media formats can be decided by the author’s own decision.
Use of the RC is free of charge for all individual users.